Associated Projects
Besides the funded project within the PP there are several projects which are associated to the program. These projects are funded by different organizations, but offer a topical, disciplinary and methodological expansion for the PP and its research aims.
Associated projects are active in the clusters and networks of the PP. In the following you find a list of the funded projects (for details see sidebar):
- Working world in the wake of the COVID 19 crisis
Dr. Florian Butollo, Prof. Dr. Martin Krzywdzinski, Dr. Jana Flemming, Christine Gerber, David Wandjo – WZB Berlin - Digital Cases
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Büchner, Korbinian Gall, Falk Justus Rahn, Katharina Braunsmann – Leibniz Universität Hannover - History of the Digital Factory, 1950-2000
Prof. Dr. Martina Heßler, Dr. Nora Thorade – TU Darmstadt - (Digital) Product Design and Shifting Job Requirements in the High-Tech Industry
PD Dr. Christopher Neumaier – ZZF Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam - Double transformation: Impacts of environmental and digital change on production companies in energy-intensive industries
Prof. Dr. Thomas Haipeter, Alexander Bendel – Universität Duisburg-Essen - Transformation of the Human-Technology Relation by Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Norbert Huchler, Dr. Michael Heinlein, Regina Wittal – Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung e.V. (ISF München) - Restructuring Effects of Information Technology Platforms in Heterogeneous Work Contexts
PD Jan-Felix Schrape – Universität Stuttgart - Digital Transformation and New Social Questions in East Asia
Dr. Takahiro Nishiyama, Dr. Volker Elis, Bulgan Erdenechulum, Vanessa Tkotzyk – Universität Bonn